How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

When you think of high school students chatting on social media, it's easy to be less charitable. You can assume that they communicate with the impenetrable jargon and emoticons in your messages online and are full of hashtags and Yolos and emoji. 

But this is not always the case; as proof, look no further than the 2013 Fringe Festival in New York, where playwrights Rachel Kaly and Alec Grossman organize "The Adventures of Chico and Chica." His play, described as an anti-romantic comedy, was born on Facebook, while the playwrights were in high school. So appropriately, Digital Trends stuck with the duo on Facebook Chat. 

Kaly and Grossman explained that the decision to use Facebook Chat to write his book was something spontaneous. They had talked about this lot before starting the project, and not even really know each other very well. But had chatted briefly writing a play together, and one day, Kaly made ​​a gesture and sent the first monologue. 

"It was during the winter holidays and Alec had suggested that it was a kind of writing letters game and ran with it and decided to write monologue I wrote the first monologue and from there just do not come back -. .. he was the guy, Rick, and I was the daughter, Trish, "he said They wrote most of the first release in a burst, sending the other monologues back and forth. "We mainly talked about Facebook because it was the winter holidays, but as the game started to come together towards the end we talked about it a little more personally," said Kaly. 

The initial folder by Facebook Chat was more about the way words there instead of crushing the little details. "Nothing was really planned or thought too much," says Grossman. But the final product is the result of a careful review and consideration. "We wrote these things separately and not to think about the future of work, as we wrote,., but once we had a project that was written separately, we went back and edited with more attention and care, but the fluidity of Facebook Chat has become very easy to just get all that it is, "said Kaly. As for your old Facebook chat, Kaly said it took nine days to write the first draft, but after a couple of months to edit the final copy. 

In addition to using social media to create the game, Grossman and Kaly also use it to promote their show. "We used almost exclusively for Facebook and the Internet about this campaign. We have a website, a Facebook page, and we were blasting our link on our Indiegogo page and profiles.'ve created some YouTube videos and have also created a Tumblr, we believe is a unique way to use social networks capture people's attention and promote the tone of the series. "(Emma Watson would agree.) 

Tumblr Page promoting the show is particularly clever, and requesting submissions asking people to say why they are happy, they are not dating your ex. The page is full of interesting confessions and Kaly confirmed that are 100 percent user submitted. "We will also promote with postcards and through a Web site called" Theater Mania, but I think social networks will be more effective, "said Grossman. Kaly him and say they have received re-tweets game developers in New York that can help attract an audience to your show.boy and two daughters 
But the plethora of social media options, it is difficult to follow all the social networks available only. "I do not think we've used Instagram to all," Grossman said, "Since we have a lot of friends on Facebook, I think it was the most effective" Kaly said they can start using. Instagram more frequently than the game starts again, but now they have chosen to focus on networks that believe they have the greatest impact on sales. 

Social media is an important promotional tool, and the Fringe Festival in New York encourages all participants to enjoy free means to be interested in online advertising. "They suggest the bases," said Kaly. "Create a website, Twitter, etc., and provide a lot of discounts for bulk emails and so on, different marketing techniques that use social media. Things, but the most creative is to us completely. it's a very DIY mentality. "Although it is very DIY, Kaly and Grossman are not entirely on their own. They have on social media and public relations person to help you navigate the terrain, sometimes overwhelming social networks self-promotion. 

"The Adventures of Chico and Chica" opens Saturday, August 17 and plays through the 24th Craine Theater in the East Village. All New Yorkers interested in seeing how a simple Facebook Chat can turn into a fun game should check. 

And the young couple (who are now in college, Weslyan and Kaly in Grossman Skidmore) work together again? Next time maybe compose a drama of Twitter direct messages? Do you work primarily in independent projects at the moment, although a recent article by Kaly is deeply rooted in social media. "The last game was written almost exclusively on individual social media - it was to be a gay guy cyberbullying closet, and one of the main characters is actually a computer screen showing these IM conversations , "says she.

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

How Facebook To Online Chat With Girls Helped Two High Schoolers Become Playwrights

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